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MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400 - Weedist
Law & Politics

dfaf logo mpp ad pulled nascar brickyard 400 Source http://www.dfaf.org/sites/dfaf.org/themes/dfaf/images/logo.gifThanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant fools at DFA refuse to look at objective data if it contradicts their zealous mission of perpetuating the drug war, they’ve put pressure on the owners of the Jumbotron to have the ad removed. These prohibitionists claim that “[t]his campaign falsely claims marijuana is safer than alcohol and promotes illicit drug use in a state where marijuana is illegal.”

Those of us that know better can see through this nonsense easily; it is a scientifically proven fact that alcohol is far more harmful than marijuana, and an ad that promotes legalization would be pointless if marijuana wasn’t illegal. Promoting legalization is not promoting drug use, it is promoting sensible policy reform. It is promoting information, and the end of a failed war against cannabis.