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Judge Allows Marijuana Use Evidence in Trayvon Martin Case - Weedist
Law & Politics

Judge Debra Nelson, the Florida judge presiding over the Trayvon Martin case, has ruled to allow jurors to hear evidence of marijuana in Trayvon Martin’s system.

Judge-Debra-Nelson-trayvon martin case Source http://ttag.zippykidcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Judge-Debra-Nelson-courtesy-nbcmiami.com_.jpgThe prosecution claims that the amount of THC in his system is too minimal to say that it had any effect on him, and let’s be reasonable; weed does not make people aggressive or dangerous. The prosecution also speculates that this is a shady attempt by Zimmerman’s defense to damage Martin’s character. The defense claims the minimal amount of cannabinoids in Martin’s system would have ‘affected his judgement’ and should be considered relevant to the case.

It sounds to me like they’re trying to make it ok that this vigilante killed someone just because they happened to have smoked marijuana at some point. It is absolutely irrelevant, and hopefully the prosecution will present plenty of evidence that A: Marijuana does not cause aggressive behavior; and B: small amounts of cannabinoids do not prove that someone is high.