Rachael Ray introduced me to Candy Sushi on her TV show. The stoner in me thought they could easily be converted to a kick ass medible, and I was right. The recipe itself is easy. The rolling up of the sushi can get tricky, though, so be forewarned. They look so cute when they are done that it’s worth the trouble. I did some math and adapted the recipe to make a bigger batch. Other than that, I just substituted cannabutter for regular butter. The cool thing about this recipe is that the ratio of butter to Rice Krispies is about double what it is in the original Rice Krispies Treat recipe. And, you know what that means – a better buzz with a smaller dose! For Rice Krispies fiends, here’s the medicated R.K. Treat recipe.
Here’s What You Need:
- 5 Tablespoons cannabis infused butter
- 20 large marshmallows
- 2 1/2 Cups Rice Krispies
- 5-8 red licorice twists – I prefer Red Vines; Rachael prefers Strawberry Twizzlers
- 5-8 fruit roll ups – any flavor
How to Make Candy Sushi:
Before you start cooking, it is important to get everything ready because the treats can get hard to work with really quick. So, the first thing I do is open up the fruit roll ups so that they are flat with the paper still on the bottom. I stack them on top of each other and set them beside my work area. I use a big cutting board or cookie sheet as the rolling area because it gets messy. Next, I cut the Red Vines to be the same length as the fruit roll ups and set them aside. I have found that it also helps to have a small bowl of water for finger dipping and a towel to dry your hands in between rolls. Next, put marshmallows and butter into a pot large enough to add in the Rice Krispies later and melt together over medium-low heat. It is important to stir constantly and be patient. Right when you think it’s not ever going to change to the right consistency, it does. Eventually, the marshmallows and butter will combine to form a glisteny goo that makes the perfect treat. Cooking too fast over higher heat will compromise the structural integrity of the goo, causing it to separate or turn into hard candy. Once the butter and marshmallows are thoroughly combined, remove from heat and add Rice Krispies. Working quickly, mix it together until all the cereal is covered in goo. Take the pot of Rice Krispies to the work area you set up earlier, and set it on a pot holder to keep from trashing your counter. This next part goes fast. While the treats are still warm, peel one of the fruit rolls from the paper and set it on your rolling area. Scoop out some of the cereal mixture onto the fruit roll. Get your fingers wet, and use them to spread the treats onto the fruit roll. Lay a Red Vine in the middle and dry your fingers. Roll up your sushi and use a little bit of water to seal the edge if needed. Dry your hands and set the finished roll aside to firm up and move on to the next. How many rolls you get will depend on how much you fill them. I generally get six rolls per batch. Once you have all your rolls made, let them sit while you clean up the mess. Be sure to wipe your rolling area dry, even under the sushi rolls. It seems fruit rolls are very water soluble, and it’s easy to end up with a pile of stuff that is very un-sushi-like, but tasty nonetheless. Using a large, sharp knife dipped in water, cut your sushi into slices with quick, sure strokes, like a ninja. They will fall apart or change shape if you saw or use a knife that is not sharp. These need to be stored in a dry, air tight container, preferably not touching each other and with wax paper between layers. I have never had a batch last long enough to store, but they do tend to stick together. These are always a big hit at parties; the hard part is remembering that just two is a dose. If you eat more because they taste good, remember that nap time may be inevitable.