Holy smokes, I don’t know about you, but my throat’s a bit tender after 7/10. With all the uncertainty surrounding my beloved errl, this was one weedist that didn’t want to take oil for granted. Let’s just say Diablo Dabbed for keeps yesterday, but it’s OK ‘cause…
7/11 is Free Slurpee Day! Fucking A, how much better is 710 knowing it’s being chased by 711? That’s right dabbers and dabettes: from 11am-7pm today, you can walk into “sevs” high and walk out with a free 12oz. (double the size this year!). I hope to follow my first dab today with my favorite Slurpee: ½ piña colada, ½ blue with a floater of Coca Cola (Slurpee flavor gods willing). What about you? Rip a fatty, get your Slurpee on and then tell me about it. Drop me a line here or hit me up on Instagram #lightersup (@diablodabs KIK and IG)