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Diablo Dabs Long Island - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle
Long Island with East Bay and Jones Beach State Park, Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NY_Long_Island_with_East_Bay_and_Jones_Beach_State_Park_IMG_1956.JPG

Long Island with East Bay and Jones Beach State Park

So after the greatest legally lifted 2 years of my life, I returned back home to Long Island for a couple of weeks. Diablo Dabs Seattle but he does not tempt karma; I went back home to New York completely empty-handed.

What I found back home was truly extraordinary. I will have forthcoming features on the characters and establishments I encountered but, while fresh on the mind, I briefly wanted to mention the collective scene. Again, despite my dire advocacy I respect my adversaries, I did not make any purchases.

I will just simply say on $trong Island there was access to errl.

I COULD NOT believe it. Errl was present in both fashions (homemade and nicely processed), though street prices were astronomical, with markups worse than Comcast. As for quality, I can only speak for what appeared to be lab processed, as I never smoke anonymous homemade concentrates. Truthfully, it really wasn’t so bad. Not on par with Seattle, but it was certainly in the hunt for a jacket.

I was proud of my guys out there; the story in the head shop scene was as on point as I left it. I was stoked to see full access to killer oil rigs for those who are fortunate enough to have concentrate access.

NORML Long Island logo-1040, Source: NORML Long Island

In one short example, I went over to an old friend’s place. Her husband is a fellow weedist and keeps up with the culture despite his zealously policed state, particularly New Amsterdam, err New York City. I would have been amped enough just that he knew his way around the BHO lingo, but how about this? He whips out a rig and some wax! I’ll be damned if this guy didn’t have a sweet little mini disc perc, quartz nail and mini torch. It warmed my heart to see my old cipher mates getting dabs in their bellies. I can only wish them my access to concentrates…