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CO Officials Learn Something About Seed to Sale Tracking - Weedist
Law & Politics

Members of the Colorado Department of Revenue were taken to school recently, learning a very important lesson about marijuana plants, and their plans for seed to sale tracking. The DOR had previously planned to track each plant by weight throughout the growing process to ‘track’ the amount of marijuana produced. You see, most of our legislators and officials really do know very little about growing and consuming marijuana. Luckily they are working with the medical marijuana industry to find a realistic way to implement Amendment 64.

colorado officials learn something about seed-to-sale tracking Source http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/03/article-0-00538A0A00000258-612_468x308.jpgAs we Weedists know, the weight of a plant during growth really has a very ambiguous connection to the weight of product that will be produced. This makes tracking the weight of the growing plants a very inefficient, if not truly pointless, endeavor. This was something of a great revelation to the DOR, which released a statement to announce the big news: Tracking the weight of marijuana buds won’t begin until the buds are harvested.

Of course this raised concerns of law enforcement interests; a lobbyist for the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police claimed that diversion would be a problem if the weights of plants weren’t tracked. Apparently she either wasn’t paying attention or she was simply doing what drug war profiteers do, clinging to the status quo that earned her and her employers their living.