You guys ever have a hard time discerning if you’re high or not?
Every so often you find yourself seeing something that either a) makes you think you’re still dreaming, b) have died and are stuck in some odd purgatorial wasteland, or c) have smoked too much, Pippen (geeky LOTR shout out!).
The other day when cruising the interwebs I saw two things in unison that caused a double take and felt like an unfortunate combination of a, b, and c above; it ended up stealing some of my life while I investigated this morass of WTF.
On the same screen that required no scrolling at all, I saw a story about the just released Sci-Fi epic, Sharknado (which is pretty much just exactly as it sounds), and a link to a story that documents the cosmic confluence of time and matter that must have certainly occurred to bring The Colonel into phase with The Fuhrer. That’s right, Hitler and KFC have been made one!

I think “Enough” says too much.
I had my bong in my hands while reading this, and I seriously had to think about whether or not I had hit it yet. I hadn’t, but seeing Sharknado and Kentucky Fried Adolf all at once forced my brain into a sublimated state. I forgot that I was a person for a moment and briefly became a dragonfly.
Oddly enough, it was Sharknado that threw me for a bigger loop. There is some kind of odd sense to be made about Hitler replacing Colonel Sanders if you take into context that this took place in Bangkok and perhaps, to the chickens, this might be a fitting analogy. And also foreign cultures do not always have the same understanding of symbols, words, people or ideas that jive with ours as Americans. Walk down a street in Tokyo and look at all the nonsense English words festooning their clothing, unless you think Japan’s youth is just being hip and edgy when they wear a shirt that says “Mayonnaise Troubador Wrench.”
But Sharknado? I suspect drugs were a culprit (something a damn sight stronger than cannabis too) in the inception of this gem. C’mon! It stars Ian Ziering (whom you may remember as the blonde boring one from the original 90210) and Tara Reid (who will forever have cred as Bunny Lebowski, but can’t act her way out of a paper bag). As a caveat, I LOVE B-Movies (one of my all time favorite films is Starship Troopers) and fully intend to see Sharknado, but it still catches me off guard when stuff of this ilk makes it onto mainstream advertising.
That’s what I’ve got for this installment of “Am I high?” Life’s a hell of a trip, use your substances wisely.