It seems that area law enforcement has not yet learned the value of working WITH the local community.
Thursday’s raid on The Greener Side, a medical marijuana resource center, can hardly be considered a top priority. With law enforcement services severely cut across the state, surely there are more dangerous individuals threatening community safety than a group of medical marijuana patients.
Besides the raid in Eugene, it has been reported that after a two year investigation, up to 70 law enforcement officers were used in concurrent raids in southern Oregon.
In August of last year a woman in Josephine County called 911 as a man who had previously assaulted her was breaking into her home. The dispatcher had to tell the woman there was no one to send. The county had laid off 23 deputies because of budget cuts.
In Oregon in 2010 (according to OSP statistics) there were 1,246 reported forcible rapes – yet only 243 arrests were made. How long will Oregon voters stand for our police and sheriffs kowtowing to the federal drug war bureaucracy?
How long before Oregon legislators and voters figure out the simple economics of cannabis regulation over cannabis persecution?
How long before Oregon’s leaders disavows this federal lunacy and acts to PROTECT patients instead of throwing them under the Prohibition bus?
This was also published in the Registered Guard
Reprinted with permission from Americans for Safe Access‘ Press Room.