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Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug - Weedist
Law & Politics

Marijuana is the gateway drug … the gateway to health.

Despite all the reefer madness propaganda of the 80’s and 90’s, marijuana is not public enemy #1. It doesn’t need to be chastised or neutralized and its patients, users and abusers shouldn’t be ostracized or emasculated whether legal or not.

mary jane not crack | source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9z9mfoBoJE8/Tc_FDGOf-CI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/CZzlvYHbHZE/s1600/mary-jane-not-crack.png

Even if marijuana had zero medicinal value, who cares? Doctors, scientists and basically anyone with at least a double-digit IQ can see that the Federal government has been lying to normal Americans for decades. Countless studies have shown that marijuana is safer than both alcohol and cigarettes (hell, even soda), and much safer than most prescribed drugs on planet Earth. But you can read about that elsewhere.

As a resident and voter of NYC, Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent comments that medical cannabis is a hoax really irked me. What may be a hoax is that we the people want to legalize just medical marijuana. We don’t. We’ve had enough. We want to federally legalize marijuana.

Resistance is futile.

Support for legalization of medical marijuana is at an all-time high. But even as support for legalization surges across the country, most politicians hedge their bets by supporting bills for decriminalization and medical marijuana, instead of having the gonads to support outright legalization.

Every living person has heard the term War on Drugs. But really it’s a War on Common Sense. There’s no other way to put it. Common Sense is defined as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” This is clearly not the case with marijuana.

We want an apology, you hypocrites.

Given that the last three presidents have all publicly admitted to smoking marijuana in their pasts, it occurred to me that perhaps they should rename the Oval Office to the Green Room. But it turns out they already have a Green Room, and I suspect it has been used for unofficial business as well.

I have no doubt that marijuana will be legal everywhere, eventually. Not just because the people want it, but because it makes sense from every angle. In the interim, an apology will suffice.