The first thing I will say is that I was addicted to this 11 season show before I moved to Seattle; I’m sure Frasier would say sub-consciously that played a part in my moving here. I won’t bore stoners by summarizing a show that’s still on everywhere all the time, but I just wanted to speak to why I like it so much when I am baked (or at any time of day).
Frasier is far from the first name that pops into the mind for TV watching in an altered state. I discovered it by accident in a wake and bake situation about five years ago. I was getting dressed and the channel was left on whatever I was watching the night before. I overheard and laughed so hard at one of the sarcastic quips I spilled my aftershave. Thereafter, I tuned in every morning for the next two weeks and the rest is history.
At first glance it appears pretentious, snooty, elitist and condescending (AND it is), but hysterically, and on purpose. I really came to appreciate the show when I realized how often the characters laughed at themselves. In my opinion, self-deprecation is what makes this family so lovable. Exceptionally written, Frasier is full of references to history and high culture, but without being presumptuous like a Dennis Miller routine. It offers everything from Seinfeld to Lucy with Raymond in between.
Frasier is rich and smart, but never makes me feel poor or dumb. He loves and loses, wins and fails, and he often does it in a coffee shop in my beloved downtown Seattle.
Stoned fans of The Daily Show, Simpsons or Saturday Night Live should really give this one a chance.