June 3, 2013
It’s time for another installment of Chef Devilmonk’s favorite cannabis cuisine.
Today’s treat is a bit of an amalgamation of some of my favorite burgers that I have made throughout my tenure as a chef: Gorgonzola Stuffed Lamb Burger
Here’s What You Need:
- 1 lb ground lamb (can substitute beef or pork or just about any other meat here if lamb isn’t your thing. If you opt for poultry, I would suggest cooking it in a frying pan as opposed to an open grill because ground birdy doesn’t hold its shape as well as redder meats will)
- 8 oz container of Gorgonzola cheese (again, substitute as you like, but try to stick to a moister cheese, as dry cheeses don’t melt quite as well)
- 2 tsp minced garlic, 1 tbls minced onion (white or red, can use the ends of the other red onions for which this recipe calls)
- Spices: cinnamon, corriander, cumin, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper
- 1-2 red onions, cut off ends, peel skin and slice into thick rounds (about 1/2 -3/4 of an inch thick)
- Red wine/red wine vinegar
- Butter (This is what we’ll be spreading on our bun. You can opt for cannabutter if you’re so inclined. Personally, I like to make my own compound cannabutter infused with sun dried tomatoes, a little truffle salt, and a splash of tomato vinegar. I will go over how to make compound butter in another post. If butter isn’t your thing, you can try making some homemade mayo or aioli with cannabis infused oil)
- Watercress (as the greens on the burger, sub lettuce or cole slaw or whatever you like here)
- Buns (I prefer a local Seattle bakery called Macrina for my buns. I’m sure you all have some great local bakery near you that can supply your needs)
How to Make Gorgonzola Stuffed Lamb Burger:
- Da meat: Add the spices (to your own quantity), the minced garlic, and minced onions to the raw meat in a mixing bowl. Knead the meat a bit, folding the spices into the meat until it looks homogeneous. I like to shoot for an 8 oz burger, but feel free to change the proportions if you want a smaller or bigger one. If shooting for 8 oz, you can weigh it, or just eyeball it, with 1 lb of meat, you can get 2 burgers. So, take your ball of meat and flatten it out like a pancake. Take a bit (a tablespoon or so) of Gorgonzola and place it in the center of your meat pancake. Starting at the edge, fold the meat atop the cheese, closing it up nicely into a sphere. Carefully flatten again to make burger patties. Do your best to seal the cheese up.
- Da onions: Take the sliced red onions and put them in a cooking pot. Use a 1:1 ratio of red wine and red wine vinegar, and make enough liquid to fully cover the onion slices in the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 30-45 mins, until the onions get bright purple and lose most of their rigidity. Cool before eating.
- Bun: slice bun, spread a little cooking oil (cannabis or other) onto the bun. Toast in the oven until slightly crisp and brown. Pull from oven and immediately spread your butter on the bun so it will get all melty and delicious. (If using something other than butter, use your judgment.)
- Cook the meat in any normal burger cooking fashion, when you see white sexy lava leaking out of the meat, the Gorgonzola is melted.
- Burger making order: bottom bun, watercress, burger, red wine onions, top bun.
Hope you enjoy this decadent delight as much as I do, please share your experience!
P.S. if you’re feeling particularly hedonistic, try inserting a fried duck egg with a still-gooey yolk between the meat and the onions. Each bite will send a stream of yolk cascading through your mouth, touching the flavor centers of your tongue and really tying this whole meal together. Also, bacon. Of course, being stoned never hurt the sensitivity of your taste buds!