Sequoia National Park
Though today I reside in Seattle, I am originally from California. As a child, my father often took my brother and me to National Parks. If not my favorite, Sequoia National Park certainly hovers near the top of the list.
I am grateful that the National Park Service had the foresight to establish the park and protect the trees in 1890. The area that is today Sequoia National Park was subject to an early logging boom, and thousands of these majestic giants were felled before a ban was affected.

Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park is home to the highest point in the 48 contiguous states (Mount Whitney), as well as the world’s largest tree (The General Sherman tree). There are large groves of these giant trees, miles of High Sierra mountain hikes, and marble caves ready for exploration. It is well worth the trip to get there, and some cannabis will only serve to deepen your appreciation and connection to this anachronistic gem.

Sequoia National Park, General Sherman Tree
Similar to pondering the container in which the universe resides, or seeing the minute impact your single life has against the backdrop of time, history, and humanity, to spend time with these trees is to feel a pleasantly crushing awe. Truly, Sequoia National Park is a step back to prehistoric times. Some of these trees are over 2,000 years old and have witnessed nearly the entire expanse of modern times.

Sequoia National Park
If you have a chance to steer your wagons toward Sequoia National Park, you will not be disappointed with what you find. Bring a bowl or two, or perhaps a bag of marijuana trail mix.
If it’s your first time at the park, you will likely feel like the early part of Jurassic Park, when they first see the brachiosaurus and stand around, mouths agape and wide-eyed. The sheer size of these trees can put you right there.

Sequoia National Park