This video (What if Cannabis Cured Cancer) from 2010 is a must-see for anyone having a discussion about the medicinal effects of cannbinoids. Long story short, humans are endowed with natural cannabinoids used by our endocannabinoid system. These human generated cannabinoids in our bodies regulate free radicals and cancerous cells. The additional cannabinoids from cannabis help to stimulate our endocannabinoid system.
We must have our elected representatives remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act. Currently marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug which: has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision. None of which are true.
Highlights from What if Cannabinoids in Cannabis Cured Cancer & Other Diseases?
- New research suggests that early humans who regularly consumed cannabis may have enhanced their brain functions and might have possibly triggered a great leap forward [0:37 mark]
- In recent years the hemp plant has been proven to be anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-bacterial. It can treat depression, traumatic stress syndrome, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, tourettes, nausea and a host of other ailments without the unwanted side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. [1:20 mark]
- In the 1800’s cannabis was often prescribed by doctors and was part of every medical bag right through the early part of the century [2:09 mark]
- Queen Victoria was also a bit of a pothead [2:29 mark]
- The dark days for pot began in the early part of the 20th century [2:47 mark]
- All cannabis products were removed from the US pharmacopoeia and the national formulary by 1942 [3:36 mark]
- Although cannabis smoke has been shown to have precancerous effects in animal tissue, countless studies have failed to find a link between cannabis smoking and cancer and in fact have shown that heavy marijuana users have considerably fewer cancers than the general population [5:10 mark]
- Is it possible that the tar in smoked pot could be causing malignancies, while the chemical constituents in pot are curing them at the same time? [6:25 mark]
- All in all, cannabis is very low risk. The long history of the human use of cannabis also attests to its safety, nearly 5,000 years without a single documented death. [9:06 mark]
- For marijuana to prove fatal you’d have to smoke 1,500 lbs in 15 minutes and any resulting death would likely be from asphyxiation. [10:19 mark]
- Dozens of major studies have been published in the last few years that indicate that the chemicals in cannabis, in the lab and in animals, have a significant effect in fighting almost all major cancers [10:31 mark]
- The endocannabinoid system overview [11:24 mark]
- Whether you like it or not, each and every one of us is fundamentally wired to respond to cannabis [13:13 mark]
- If you block the endocannabinoids artificially in mice they tend to grow tumors and they also get depressed [14:50 mark]
- When marijuana is consumed and broken down into a collection of cannabinoid molecules the THC and it’s sisters seek out and bind with the endocannabinoid receptors already inside us. Together they give the body more ammunition against the diseases of modern times. [18:35 mark]
- Despite all the difficulties there’s a group of doctors in the US and abroad who have been advancing the research on the medical use of cannabis with highly impressive and sometimes revolutionary discoveries. [20:20 mark]
- There are multiple mechanisms of action identified by which cannabis kills cancer cells (antiproliferative, antiangiogenic, antimetastatic & apoptotic) [22:36 mark]
- The evidence is piling up in mice-infested labs that the endocannabinoid system, when stimulated by cannabinoids has an anti-tumor effect and can instruct cancer cells to commit suicide. [24:50 mark]
- Dr. Manual Guzeman, Madrid Spain [25:34 mark]
- Ron Paul: Probably the most addictive drug in the country… in the world is alcohol, so if you are a consistent person and think the government should be regulating personal behavior, you have to be for prohibition of alcohol. [29:59 mark]
- GW Pharmaceuticals [30:59 mark]
- Cannabis Chemistry: Cannabis contains 421 chemicals, more than 60 of which are cannabinoids [33:36 mark]
- Why would this plant have evolved THC? To resist ultraviolet light. [34:27 mark]
- THC and other cannabinoids are scavengers of disease causing free radicals. [35:01 mark]
- Modern medicine under the pharmaceutical based paradigm is looking for targeted therapies… the other things are considered snake oil. [35:44 mark]
- There are 4 cannabinoid compounds that are of the most interest to scientists doing medical research: THC,CBD, THCV & CBC [36:15 mark]
- THC: Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol [36:22 mark]
- The Drug Enforcement Administration is trying to modify its official position to allow pharmaceutical companies to market THC without appearing to contradict all of the negative information on marijuana they have been propagating for decades. [37:36 mark]
- All available research has concluded that marijuana is dangerous to our health – Donna Shalala – Secretary US Department of Health & Human Services under the Clinton Administration [37:54 mark]
- The holy grail for the pharmaceutical industry is to find the next billion dollar drug [33:26 mark]
- CBD – Cannabidiol [39:05 mark]
- The cannabis plant has been bred for decades to maximize the amount of THC, that gives the plant to strongest psychoactive effect for the least amount of product. In doing this we’ve bred the other cannabinoids out of the plant or down to minuscule amounts… so we’ve lost a lot of those properties. [40:08 mark]
- THCV: Tetrahydrocannabivarin [41:02 mark]
- CBC: Cannabichromene [41:32 mark]
- The Future [41:52 mark]
- Oregon: The World Famous Cannabis Cafe [43:10 mark]
- At the Federal level they are still clinging to a more archaic view [44:15 mark]
- The greatest hurdle is that we need to get Congress to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act [45:51 mark]
- The problem remains that nobody in Congress wants to be labeled “soft on drugs” [46:53 mark]
- What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. – Ralph Waldo Emerson [47:45 mark]
Interviews included in What if Cannabinoids in Cannabis Cured Cancer & Other Diseases?
- Dr. Robert Melamede
- Dr. Donald Abrams
- Dr. Jeffery Hergenrather
- Dr. Sean McAllister
- Dr. David Bearman
- Dr. Manual Guzman
- Dr. Donald Tashkin
- Dr. Raphael Mechoulam
- Paul Armentano