Weedists: Meet Len Richmond
“Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.”
Recently, I had the pleasure of learning about Mr. Len Richmond. He is a marijuana activist and uses his creative talents to help push the conversation on cannabis into a more reasonable, rational space. “Marijuana: The Musical” follows another cannabis-centric film produced by Richmond, “What if Marijuana Cured Cancer?“:
I reached out to Len to ask a few questions and help him share his message with you, Weedists, and ultimately the world at large.

Marijuana: The Musical
What was your intention when writing the musical?
My documentary, “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?”, has put me in the forefront of the marijuana debate, and frankly, I’m angry. The stupidity of the laws against this miracle healing plant makes me want to shout from the nearest rooftop. I had a successful play with music produced in London called, “Risky Kisses,” and so I figured musical theatre was another talent I had that could be harnessed to promote the cause.
The songs are catchy and very well-done and borrow from a lot of different genres. Was it challenging to write lyrics for ballads, as well as the more rock and hip-hop songs?
Each song is from another genre because the story of the musical covers pot in different centuries and in different cultures. Luckily the composer, British pop-rock musician Collin Ozcan, discovered he had the ability to write music in any style.
“When I’m High” is a rather light-hearted song. What I get out of it is showing just how harmless and pleasant weed consumption is. Thematically, this seems like a common thread through the few songs I have heard. Is educating pot opponents and the uninformed part of your message?
How can you not celebrate pot? It changes your life for the better – except for those few people who would rather be high all day, everyday (but who’s to blame them, not everyone on the planet has to strive for money and success). “When I’m High” is sung by a Billie Holiday-like singer about her favorite drug. Billie Holiday was, in fact, arrested and jailed for drug use. Eventually she turned to harder stuff which brought her down. Herbal drugs only, never chemical ones! That’s what an old hippie like myself used to believe in the sixties and, damn it, we were right! Stick with Mother Nature, she knows what she’s doing. Avoid pharmaceuticals, the companies that make them are corrupt and behind much of the cannabis prohibition hysteria.
“Marijuana Anthem” is sure to resonate with weed enthusiasts. What are you hoping those with an anti-cannabis mindset might take away from the musical?
Let’s face it, those with an anti-cannabis mindset are not going to see this musical (should it ever be produced). They are not open-minded. This is a musical for pot lovers. Unfortunately, most theatres in this country are not run by pot lovers, as no one has yet agreed to produce it. They call it, “propaganda.” Damn right!
“The Autism Song” really has a bittersweet feel, but ultimately the parent does what any loving parent would and should do, help their child out of torment. After the litany of anti-pot buzz phrases, the song says, “I really don’t care. Tim sleeps through the night, has a good appetite, can be touched by his family, and sometimes he’ll even hug me.” Was this song inspired by a true story?
This is based on a woman who has an autistic child that was helped by marijuana brownies, and went public. Of course, they threatened to take away her kid and she had to fight. The medical profession has turned very fascistic and strictly profit-driven.
What’s next for the musical and beyond?
I am currently busy fighting the Santa Monica City Council. This “liberal” city has just passed a law outlawing cigarette smoking in any new apartment or condo a person moves into it. At the last moment, they threw pot into the mix. So it is only legal to smoke cigarettes or pot on the street and not in your own apartment. I think they have opened the gates to the insane asylums.
Well, Weedists, there you have it. Please take the time to visit Len’s site, and do check out the links to the songs from Marijuana: The Musical. The songs are well-written and produced with quality; I even found myself humming them after just one view!
I’d like to thank Len for taking time out of his crusade to share his thoughts with me and Weedist.com. Keep fighting the good fight, Len! You have friends at Weedist.