On 5/21/2013, Bill Rosendahl, a Councilman in the City of Los Angeles, made history as the first elected Official openly admitting to using medical marijuana.
Bill Rosendahl is a big name in California politics, and has openly declared, “It’s true. I use cannabis.” on a Huffington blog post, no less. After being diagnosed with stage four cancer – which has spread to multiple parts of the body and is rarely treated effectively with biomedical approaches like chemotherapy – Bill followed the advice of his doctors, and began using cannabis as his treatment.
In this Huff Post Live video, he discusses the vast improvement he’s seen in his health since starting the cannabis treatment. He credits the herb with literally saving his life. Wow. Can’t say I saw that coming from an Elected US Official, especially in this day and age of discrimination against medical patients.
Rosendahl even went a step further, and blatantly criticized President Obama’s stance on the drug. During the 2008 presidential race, President Obama took a relaxed stance on medical marijuana and has since not only backtracked, but permitted an aggressive enforcement campaign to shut down medical dispensaries and punish patients and their providers all across the United States. He’s also offered little support for the bills being considered by Congress, which would transform federal marijuana regulations. All this even with his own autobiography, Dreams of My Father, going into detail on his frequent drug use during his college years. You can see the video of what Mr. Rosendahl says about Obama here.
It’s too soon to know what the official backlash will be against this elected official seeking to stop discrimination and encourage others to share the role cannabis played in their victory over illnesses. But we’ll keep you updated on the developments!