The first cannabis legalization bill to pass through a legislative committee, Oregon’s HB 3371 has made history.
Even USA Today included an article about it. Taken from that article:
“Under House Bill 3371, the Oregon Health Authority would license producers, processors and wholesale and retail sellers of the drug. And the Oregon Liquor Control Commission would have to authority to tax marijuana. But it still would permit homegrown marijuana.
The Oregon House Judiciary Committee conducted a brief hearing on it Tuesday, amended it, and sent it to the House Revenue Committee for a more extensive hearing.”
Anthony Johnson, a member of the group advocating for this legislation, New Approach Oregon reports via the National Cannabis Coalition, where he serves as Executive Director:
“I am honored to have testified on HB 3371, a proposal to regulate and tax marijuana similar to how the state handles alcohol today. I was joined by the bill’s primary drafter, David Kopilak, an attorney for Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt; and John Horvick, a pollster for DHM Research. Also, written testimony in support was submitted by David Lesh, a former Multnomah County Prosecutor; Shelley Fox-Loken, a former corrections officer and current member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; and US Congressman Earl Blumenauer.
Only one representative for the Oregon Sheriff’s Association spoke in opposition.”
According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Oregon is one of nine states that have introduced bills for legalization. Recent national surveys show that Americans are ready to end cannabis prohibition, and at the state level, legislators are taking heed.
At the national level, things move much slower. Nonetheless, there are bills there that need our support. They include HR 499 to end cannabis prohibition for adults, which also includes regulation, HB 689, which protects medical marijuana patients, HB 710 for Truth in Trials, and HB 525 for industrial hemp. NORML makes it easy to contact your representatives on these issues on their “Take Action” page.
The bill is moving quickly by legislative standards, as the nation watches legalization being implemented in Colorado and Washington. The Oregon bill heads to the House Revenue Committee next; this is the group that introduced the legislation. Representative Peter Buckley, co-chair of the Ways and Means Committee, said in a statement:
“I believe it would be in the best interest of our state to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana. I doubt it will pass in this session, since there is a strong interest in seeing what happens in Colorado and Washington, but I believe it has a good chance of passing on the ballot in 2014.”
Activists in Oregon have begun letter writing and phone-in campaigns to urge support for the bills. NORML’s “Take Action” page is the easiest way to make your voice heard. They have action alerts for all upcoming legislation across the nation. If you would like to write your own letter, Oregonians can find their legislators and send a message here. Cannabis prohibition is over; let’s make it official!