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Hemp: Unlimited Fuel for the Green Rush - Weedist

hemp-uses-infographic, Source: http://jontalkspolitics.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/hemp1a.jpg

Hemp Potential

The industry is stunted by federal regulations which outlaw commercial hemp production. In 2011 the total sales of hemp food and beauty care products exceeded $43 million but industry advocates argue hemp products have an untapped market value of more than $400 million according to The Path Forward: Rethinking Federal  Marijuana Policy published by Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Jared Polis.

The Potential Uses: Limitless

Hemp production is more environmentally sustainable than both cotton and trees and can replace both in everyday items such as paper products, textiles and clothing. Not only can it be used in beauty care products it also provides all the essential amino acids needed for abstaining from animal products, can be turned into an energy source, a building material and completely biodegradable plastic. Even without a business environment which would promote research and design, there are already over 25,000 known uses for hemp. In the right environment, this industry literally would have limitless potential.

The Problem: Importation = Expensive

Hemp – the strongest naturally occurring fiber cultivated from the indigestible parts of cannabis plants which lack the THC content to produce a psychedelic effect- is extremely heavy so transporting it large distances is expensive. Not to mention the complex bureaucratic situation surrounding imports which is made even worse given the connection between hemp and marijuana.  This complex bureaucratic situation only adds onto the expenses incurred by businesses within the hemp industry, making hemp products more expensive than the paper, cotton and petroleum based products they are competing with.

A Hemp Revolution?

Both the U.S Senate and House of Representatives are considering bills to allow commercial hemp production. Even if these measures fails – as it likely will with GovTrack.US giving the bills at max a 2% chance of passing – the hemp revolution could be propelled on a state by state basis if it becomes a priority. On April 5th, Governor Steve Beshear of Kentucky stated that he will let Kentucky’s industrial hemp measure become law without his signature. Other states including MissouriOregon and Maine are considering measures to legalize hemp production or transform marijuana regulations altogether which would likely allow for hemp production and cultivation as well. But powerful industries in America would lose a lot of money if the dynamic power of the hemp revolution spread so this is not going to be an easy battle to win. Wide scale support for such measures must be forthcoming but the great news is opportunities abound to do so!

Find out how to get involved with the California Hemp & Health Initiative here. Similar initiatives in every state need your support if we are going to unleash the hemp potential to diminish our environmental impact, improve our wellbeing and create jobs across America.