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Comic Con Through Cannabis Goggles - Weedist
Pot Luck

One does not necessarily need to be high to enjoy a trip to Comic Con, but it certainly does add another level of flavor to the experience.

This was my first time visiting the Emerald City Comic Con, or any Comic Con for that matter. I was not disappointed. My inner geek was able to peek out from behind the businesslike exterior and fly with wings unfettered.

Comic Con Wookiee Source: Devilmonk

And I was not the only geek off the leash.  Oh, no.  In fact, most of my fellow nerds in attendance at Comic Con made me feel like somewhat of a fraud.  In my circles, I am at least a Jedi or Wizard level geek.  At Comic Con, swimming in a deluge of true nerdery, I felt like a padawan or an acolyte at best.  (I went with some Star Wars and classic fantasy metaphors to fully cover my bases; I am unaware what the initiate level of SteamPunk is, so apologies to any SteamPunkers that I may have left feeling unimportant).

Comic Con Source: Devilmonk

There were two choice costumes by which I was particularly struck, however I was unable to get my camera out in time so my feeble words will have to flesh out the image.  The best costumes are the ones that are either a) way too small for adults to be wearing or b) just a hodgepodge of various genres and characters.

Comic Con Source: Devilmonk

1: I stumbled across a man who, from the waist up, was wearing a rather impressive AutoBot costume.  From the waist down, however, the man wore a neon pink kilt (I know an official “kilt” has to be made of certain types and lengths of fabric, so if I have uncouthly lumped this neon man-skirt in with official kilts, do forgive me).  Maybe this is a character from an as yet unmade Transformer film.

2: This one actually involves two people, but it so thoroughly made me wonder WTF was going on that I need to share it. The first guy was dressed like Robin Hood, but with astronaut boots and a horsehead mask on his face.  The second guy was decked out in traditional Japanese feudal samurai armor.  These two gents were squaring off for combat.  What weapons did they use you ask?  Lightsabers, of course!  Granted I was pretty baked at the time, but this scene made me wonder for a second if my cannabis had been laced with LSD or something. It was quite the bizarre juxtaposition of genres and anachronisms.

Speaking of juxtaposition…

Comic Con Source: Devilmonk

Comic Con was definitely an interesting experience.  I do, as with a lot of things, recommend a lot of weed prior to attending.  You may also consider bringing your d20 and character sheet.  Please share any Comic Con fun!

Categories: Features, Pot Luck, Weed Lifestyle
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By: Raylan Campbell. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/QGiSn