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Back To Board Games - Weedist
Pot Luck
Back to Board Games, Source: http://geektyrant.com/storage/page-images/candyland.jpeg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1301344578720

Not just for kids!

We have no shortage of entertainment avenues. There’s computer games, console games, handheld games, games on our phones; we have movies, television, Netflix, and the internet.

There are hordes of electronic outlets that satisfy our demand for entertainment (and they’re all pretty great too), but I feel that sometimes we forget that we can have just as much fun unplugged from the digital domain. Case in point: board games.

A few weeks ago I played Monopoly with a some friends. A couple beers, a couple bowls, and before we knew it we were enthralled in a bitter yet hilariously entertaining battle over properties, get out of jail cards (I went to jail seven times! Seven!), and the coveted jackpot in the middle of the board.

It had been a long ass time since I had played any board game, and the night turned out to be the most fun I’d had in a while. You don’t even need to be high to enjoy a good round of Monopoly, or Life, or Sorry, or whatever, but a few puffs certainly helps! If your regular post-smoke routine is getting a little stale, a good ole’ board game might be just what you need.



Categories: Pot Luck, Weed Lifestyle
By: Lewis Hill. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/3YeAy