Yesterday, the Miami Herald published an article discussing a recent poll that shows a majority of Florida voters support medical marijuana. The article specifically mentioned the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act and talked about how it could affect the gubernatorial race in 2014.
Apparently, certain folks in law enforcement didn’t like what they saw.
In a bizarre twist that some see as more than just a coincidence, Cathy Jordan, who has Lou Gehrig’s disease and for whom the bill is named, had her home raided by Manatee County sheriffs just hours after the article was published.
Deputies with guns drawn entered the property, claiming they had probable cause to search based on a tip and found two mature marijuana plants and several seedlings growing inside.
A spokesman for the sheriff’s office claimed deputies had no knowledge of the pending legislation, and that they have no desire to get involved in the publicity of such a discussion.
Luckily, no arrests were made, but the case is being reviewed by the state attorney’s office.
The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Jeff Clemens, was not amused:
Clemens said Monday he was angry about the raid on the Jordan house.
“Do we want to be the kind of state that raids the home of a woman in a wheelchair in order to enforce outdated laws?” Clemens said Monday night.
UPDATE: Check out Radley Balko’s take on the situation.
Article republished from Marijuana Policy Project