Law & Politics
February 15, 2013
A new CNN video shows how marijuana affects the driving skills of three different stoned drivers. The levels of active THC in the subjects blood were also recorded, before and after smoking. These levels are what determines ‘impairment’ under Washington’s (and perhaps soon to be Colorado’s as well) per se limits.
Highlights from CNN Video – Stoned Drivers Test Skills
- First subject has 15.9 ng of active THC on arrival [0:50 mark]
- Other subjects introduced, both with no active THC [1:06 mark]
- Subjects each smoke 0.3g of Blueberry Train Wreck. First subject feels normal, other subjects feel buzzed [1:20 mark]
- After hitting a traffic cone, first subject tested at 36.7 ng of active THC, over seven times the legal limit [1:48 mark]
- Second subject drove fine, then tested at 26 ng of active THC, more than five times the legal limit [2:06 mark]
- Third subject drove too slow, and tested at 21.7 ng of active THC, more than four times the legal limit [2:25 mark]
- Subjects continue to smoke and drive until they’ve each smoked 0.9g of Blueberry Train Wreck.All subjects now feel stoned [2:43 mark]
- Second subject forgets the track layout and drives off course. Instructor grabs the wheel to avoid driving too close to the cameraman [3:03 mark]
- Third subject drives much too slow and backs over a cone. Subject says he’d prefer not to be driving so stoned [3:35 mark]
- After driving excitedly but well enough, the first subject smokes more, for a total of 1.4g of Blueberry Train Wreck. Subject then backs over a cone. All agree she was too stoned to be driving [4:08 mark]
- Each subject is tested as if they were pulled over. All three would have been arrested [4:56 mark]
Watch other Weedist marijuana videos →