Last night for the first time in our chapter and city’s history, a sitting mayor attended the monthly chapter meeting. Former Congressman and newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner arrived at the La Jolla Brew House around 7:30pm and walked into a packed meeting room where over 100 of you greeted him with cheer and applause.
In his initial remarks the Mayor laid out a specific strategy for how to achieve safe access through a three-pronged approach. In order to make it possible for the strategy to work, the Mayor called on us stand with him, help organize, educate, and campaign for safe access.
The Mayor’s three pronged strategy included:
- Through a collaborative effort of our community present a reasonable regulation / ordinance to mayor and city council
- Lobby the white house, DOJ, and Congress to stop persecutions of patients and testify in court at Federal and State prosecutions.
- Stop the City Attorney Jan Goldsmith from shutting down dispensaries through zoning lawsuits.
After the Mayor’s initial remarks, attorney Lance Rogers and Mark Bluemel discussed several cases of medical marijuana patients currently being prosecuted by US Attorney Laura Duffy and County DA Bonnie Dumanis. Following the cases, the Mayor answered questions.
Complete video of the Mayor’s remarks as well as the question and answer session can be viewed here:
Following the Mayor’s visit, we signed up almost 30 people to volunteer on one or more of the committees proposed by the Mayor. If you are interested in participating in a committee such as the speaker’s bureau, court support, outreach, etc. please let us know as soon as possible so we can add you to the committee groups and with your help get the ball moving forward.
Already, we have seen the positive impact from last nights meeting. Aside from the strong showing of unity from the entire San Diego Medical Marijuana Community, several media outlets have already covered the event and the Mayor’s attendance. Just hours ago the City Attorney Jan Goldsmith sent a letter to the Mayor criticizing him for his remarks at last night meeting and saying the Mayor can stop all lawsuits and civil action against dispensaries in a matter of 30 seconds. It is clear the conversation about finally resolving the medical marijuana regulation issue here in the city has been re-ignited at City Hall and in the media.
I would like to extend a special thank you to the Mayor, members of the City’s Medical Marijuana Task Force, our chapters Coordinating Committee Members, Lance Rogers and Mark Bluemel (attorneys), members of the Patient Care Association, NORML Women’s Alliance, and everyone else who attended last night’s meeting and helped make it a phenomenal success!
For more information on chapter meetings and events visit and follow us on Twitter @ASASanDiego.