Tincture is a liquid form of cannabis that is a great option for any person who wants to medicate without smoking or eating. Especially for medical marijuana patients that have a hard time eating due to stomach issues or smoking because of oral problems, tinctures are a quick and easy way to get great pain relief from a simple liquid dropper. There are some lines of tinctures that are 100% CBD specific, and others that are loaded with THC for a more sativa kind of effect; certain products are even “5 hour energy” style tincture shots, while others just come in normal medicine bottles.
One of the most interesting products that I’ve come across recently is Flower of Life’s Canna Mist.
Made in Boulder, Colorado, this is a tincture that forgoes the typical medicine dropper in favor a much more convenient delivery system: a breath spray. The tiny bottle looks exactly like Bianca or any other normal spray and can be placed under the tongue for maximum effect.
One of the absolutely best parts of this new product is the sheer amount of options available for different users. Not only are these sprays in indica and sativa, but they also carry a CBD-specific spray and a sleep-specific spray. Especially for those searching for cannabis as a solution for a very specific problem, this is definitely an incredible option.
The entire bottle has 200mg, with approximately 2.5mg per spray. Each bottle contains about 80 sprays. The indica/sativa retail for $30 and the CBD and sleep are $35.
I only tried an entire bottle of the sativa spray, which I shared with many other friends and especially some coworkers at my dispensary. Everyone enjoyed the taste and the ease of use, and just about everyone said that it hit them much quicker then a usual edible. I found that it took less time a normal food edible to kick in (about 5 minutes after finishing the last spray) and lasted about as long as I would expect an equivalent dosage edible. As far as portability and ability to medicate literally anywhere, this is absolutely the best option I have ever seen; even more then a portable vaporizer pen or even an edible, the ability just whip out a bottle and spray a few times is amazing.
The one downside is probably the price per actual usage. Because I have a pretty high tolerance, it took me at least 6 or 7 sprays to really feel like I had something. However, this is probably a great option for anyone with a low or even “normal” tolerance for cannabis; for the person who only smokes a small bowl a few times a week, this would probably last a good length of time. The price has most certainly stopped this from becoming something I use regularly, but I still have at least one or two sessions left in the first bottle I bought.
For either the high or low tolerance cannabis user, I think that the Flower of Life Canna Mist is a very good option for discreet and convenient use.