If you are reading this post, the Mayans were wrong… or at least we have no idea how to interpret their calendar. So carpe diem, celebrate the beginning of the rest of your life with a honey bear bong!
The Honey Bear Bong
The honey bear bong was popularized in the 1993 movie True Romance (written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Tony Scott, yes it’s an uber-violent love story). In the movie, stoner-roommate Brad Pitt (“Floyd”) is always seen hanging out on the couch, occasionally hitting the bong before the mafia shows up to crash his party. If you want to see Brad Pitt in action hitting the honey bear bong, take a peek at the Weedist Supercut video [0:57 mark].
The honey bear bong has become a bit of a cultural icon now, evolving beyond the simple homemade plastic contraption to very slick glass renditions, including the one above by Illadelp (who also did this really cool alien bong).
How to Make a Honey Bear Bong
If you have the desire to make your own honey bear bong, it’s actually very simple:
- Use an X-acto knife to cut a small hole in the back of the honey bear’s head (for the carb) and another hole in the honey bear’s chest for the stem (you can also melt a hole in the plastic using a hot piece of metal).
- Put your rubber grommet in the chest hole.
- Push your stem through the honey bear’s chest hole.
- Fill it up with water, and fire it up.
- Cover the carb to draw in your smoke by inhaling through the top of the bear, then release the carb to get your hit.