Honest Abe’s Cocoa
Honest Abe’s products have been a favorite of mine for a while – their “Mint Dream” cookie is like a Girl Scout thin mint, and their “kool aid” mix was a perfect bit of buzz this summer. That’s why I was not at all surprised when this hot chocolate turned out to not only be delicious but very effective.
With so many different kinds of food that have been infused with MMJ, this really just seems like a fairly obvious one. Who wouldn’t want to sit back this holiday season and warm up by the fireplace with some MEDICATED HOT CHOCOLATE?
Available in 200mg packages that can make four, 50mg servings, this is a reasonably priced ($14) edible for the dosage. Trying it out with a friend, we decided to go ahead and mix it with some other non-medicated hot chocolate, just in case there was an overwhelming medicine taste. While this actually was quite tasty, it is not necessary; after trying it a few days later by itself, it actually tastes remarkably “normal”.
The buzz was very satisfying and strong, right on par with other edibles I’ve had at the same dosage.
There’s really nothing at all negative about it, unless you like your hot cocoa to come with marshmallows already in it. Bottom line: Honest Abe’s Hot Cocoa mix is awesome and I will definitely keep some in stock at my apartment this winter.