Happy Thanksgiving
Have a smoke, snack on some edibles, or hit the vaporizer and reflect with us on the meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday. Many of us traveled far from home yesterday, the busiest travel day of the year. Did you take time to think about what you are thankful for? What are you thankful for personally and what we are thankful for as it relates to others?
Weedist is Thankful For
First and foremost, Weedist is thankful for cannabis, the wonderful plant that transcends cultures to heal and bond our community.
Weedist is thankful for our readers, writers, editors and technologists that make this website happen.
Weedist is especially thankful for the voters of Colorado and Washington, for forcing cannabis legalization into the national and global spotlight, and for forcing the US Federal government to re-address and respond to marijuana legalization supported by our citizens. Cannabis is one of the most reviled drugs under Federal and International Law, yet most people have themselves tried marijuana (or know people who have) and know that cannabis is not the dangerous drug the Feds (or UN) would have us believe.
Weedist also thanks the medical marijuana voters of: Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington for allowing their sick and suffering to choose a plant instead of patented synthetic compounds from Big Pharma.
Weedist is thankful for the rational global community killing the Dutch ‘weed pass’, legalizing marijuana in Uruguay and Mexico rethinking its role in the US War on Drugs.
Weedist is also hopeful for the open minds of all voters. We hope that we continue to elect leaders that have walked a mile in our shoes. Cannabis is not a drug, it is a plant. Please, acknowledge the science and remove marijuana from Schedule I.
What Are You Thankful For?
With that said, we wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers! What are you thankful for?