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Vote Yes On Amendment 64, Colorado - Weedist
Law & Politics

Very soon we will see if Colorado voters decide that marijuana should no longer be an illegal substance and pass Amendment 64. We will also see if we stand alone, or alongside voters in Washington and/or Oregon.

http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/c267.0.403.403/p403x403/407658_373542172723519_781010704_n.jpgIf any one of these states moves forward with legalization, it will be a proud day for marijuana reformers and cannabis connoisseurs everywhere. If Amendment 64 passes here in Colorado, I’ll be particularly happy to be living in a state that will lead our nation through the end of marijuana prohibition.

The general public has become increasingly aware that there is no reason to treat marijuana as if it were the same as or worse than heroin, crack or meth. Marijuana users do not behave like criminals, and should not be treated like criminals.

In our series “Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies“, Old Hippie and I have addressed the Reefer-Madness misinformation spread by the No On 64 campaign.

  • First, we defended the fact that cannabis is safer than alcohol or tobacco.
  • In part 2, we showed that marijuana is significantly less addictive than almost all other drugs including nicotine, alcohol and caffeine.
  • In part 3, we showed how the war on drugs has failed to reduce drug use.
  • In part 4, we examine exactly how many people are arrested and imprisoned for marijuana.
  • Finally, in part 5, we discussed the flawed logic behind the Gateway Drug theory. We also point out that most people use alcohol before marijuana, but for some odd reason that doesn’t count.

http://www.talkitupcolorado.org/sites/default/files/yeson64smaller.jpgColoradans, please consider how much harm marijuana prohibition has done without doing anything good. When you go in to that voting booth tomorrow, November 6th, 2012, vote to end marijuana prohibition.

Not just for those of us that enjoy this plant, but for our economy, our schools, savings in law enforcement and court resources (our tax dollars), and to hit violent international cartels where it hurts – their wallets.

Vote Yes on Amendment 64!