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Ruminations on the Marijuana Prime Time - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

I smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night…

We’re all different in when and how we enjoy cannabis, but I’m betting there is a time that works best for you. You might prefer to wake-and-bake to get a little zing to start the day, or maybe a pleasant afternoon toke is your cup of tea, or maybe you like to wait until the end of the day when all the “grown up” stuff is taken care of. Some like to smoke morning, afternoon and evening.

This marijuana “prime time” is relative to each person, but I’ve noticed a few differences in the kind of high I get depending on the time of day.

Morning dates with Mary Jane seem to get me higher, but maybe that’s because it’s always the first high of the day. It also might have something to do with the crisp air, or soft morning light. Either way, the morning is actually my least favorite time to smoke. I tend to get lazy when I’m high, which makes it difficult to get things done the rest of the day.

When I smoke in the afternoon I usually go for a walk in the park and listen to soft, nature-y music and think about life. I’ve had some truly remarkable moments smoking in the park because it makes me so much more aware of the beauty of nature. The downside to smoking in the afternoon is I tend to want to smoke again once I come down, and sometimes end up getting burned out.

If I wait until late evening to smoke, then I get the benefits of the first high of the day and by the time I start comin’ down it’s almost bed time. All my responsibilities for the day are taken care of, which helps me enjoy myself so much more. This is why smoking at night is my marijuana prime time. I like to dim the lights, put on some good tunes, fire up my lava lamp and a bowl, and enjoy the chill ambiance.

What about you? Do you have a marijuana prime time?


Categories: Consumption, Weed Lifestyle
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By: Lewis Hill. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/m4QdG