This week we go back to DIY and take a look at the waterfall bong. This simple and fun project is similar to our DIY Gravity Bong project. This DIY weed project uses water flowing out of a bottle to suck air through a burning bowl up top. Light the bowl, let the water flow out while smoke rushes in, remove the bowl and hit it.
How a Waterfall Bong Works
The water flowing out of the waterfall bong creates a vacuum inside the bottle. The only way for air to get into the bottle is through your burning weed at the top. As the water flows out it is replaced by a smooth stream of smoke. When the bowl is kicked, remove it and collect your bounty.
How to Make a Waterfall Bong
Making a waterfall bong is pretty simple, you just have to find the right bottle for the tools you have at hand. The two limiting factors are: getting a good seal with your bowl over the mouth of the bottle and creating the right size hole in the bottle (especially when using a glass bottle).
- Find the right bottle.
- Create a hole on the bottom of your bottle to let the water drain out. The larger the hole, the faster the water runs out, so the a good rule of thumb, start with a hole that you can cover with your pinky. When you make the hole in your bottle, remember you can always make the hole larger, while it is very difficult to make a large hole smaller. You’ll probably be getting a new bottle if you make the hole too large, so start small. My recommendation of a smaller-than-a-pinky sized-hole is a good starting point for 2 reasons: 1) it lets your water drains slowly enough to allow your weed to burn smoothly in the bowl up top and 2) this is a hole which anyone can cover with a finger while someone else manages the bowl and weed. BE VERY CAREFUL MAKING THE DRAINAGE HOLES IN YOUR BOTTLE. USING TOOLS LIKE A KNIFE, HAMMER OR DRILL IS DANGEROUS AND CAN RESULTS IN SERIOUS INJURY IF NOT RESPECTED.
- Create a bowl to hold your burning bud to seal to the top of the bottle. Screw an aluminum bowl into the bottle top, poke a glass bowl through a plastic screw on top, use aluminum foil or try something new that would make Macgyver proud. The choice of bowl is up to you and will depend on how deep your weedist kit is in the specific situation.
Pick it, pack it, fire it up and remove your finger from the hole. As the water flows out of your waterfall bong, the smoke rushes in. Remove the bowl and Hit it.
Water Draining and Smoke Filling a Waterfall Bong Video
Here’s a great video showing a waterfall bong in action:
video credit: power420@YouTube