It’s election day, and whether you’re getting ready to go to the voting booth, getting home from the voting booth, or waiting to see the results, chances are you could use something to laugh at.
While it has nothing to do with marijuana, “Eye of the Sparrow – A Bad Lip Reading of the First 2012 Presidential Debate” is a video every weedist can enjoy, no matter who you support. I felt it would be especially appropriate for election day.
Tonight we will know who our president will be for the next 4 years, which representatives we elected, and whether or not CO, WA or OR have legalized marijuana. And by now we are all sick of the political campaigns. It is a good time to laugh.
This is a dubbed video of the first presidential debate with a bizarre and hilarious conversation between Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and mediator Jim Lehrer.
Among my favorite parts of this video are the President’s assertion that Romney is black and Jim’s reminder that he wants Romney to feel bad because he’s got funny radiation coming off of his desk. And then it starts to get a little weird.