We shift gears this week and look at something goofy and fun, the mustache Sherlock glass pipe. This would make a great gift for the Weedist who has everything, or a great accessory to build a Halloween costume around!
Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe Details
So the first question, why a “Sherlock” pipe? Sherlock Holmes of course!
Thanks to Robert Downey Jr. and the resurgence of the Sherlock Holmes, most folks are aware of the character. As for the pipe, Mr. Holmes always had a trademark classic pipe as an accessory, so hence the name stuck with a pipe that has that classic shape. And the mustache? Well that’s just for fun! All mustaches are not created equal, you can see that you’ve got at least 2 different styles of mustache to choose from.
These mustache Sherlock glass pipes are listed for sale by Hedcraft Glassworks in Reno, NV. I don’t know if these are handmade, my guess is that these are coming over in bulk from China, but they are still a lot of fun. You can see their full collection of mustache Sherlock glass pipes on Etsy.com.
Go get yours and get your mustache on!