Should Grandma Smoke Pot?
Should Grandma Smoke Pot? is the 28 minute infomercial by The Silver Tour and Robert Platshorn, aka. The Black Tuna. In 1980 Robert was convicted for marijuana smuggling and sentenced to 64 years in prison. He served 30 years, and has now launched The Silver Tour to educate American seniors on the benefits of medical marijuana.
Highlights from Should Grandma Smoke Pot?
- Robert Platshorn (aka. Black Tuna) introduction [0:47 mark]
- Reflection on 1977 and Jimmy Carter’s stance on marijuana “Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.” [2:33 mark]
- Harry Anslinger, Head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics: “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men” [4:50 mark]
- Hemp for Victory [7:00 mark]
- Nixon declares the War on Drugs [7:32 mark]
- 1978 Gallup survey showing that more than half favor removing criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana [8:02 mark]
- Irv Rosenfeld tells his story about his bone tumors, diagnosed at age 10 and told he may not live through his teenage years, other medical marijuana patients follow [13:01 mark]
- Pot prisoners cost Americans $1 Billion a year [22:51 mark]
- “My grandmother lived to be 110, she used marijuana in her tea, in her food…” [24:22 mark]
- “I would take out half of the drugs in my prescription book if I could write for medical marijuana” – Dr. Robert Ben Mitchell [26:20 mark]
Sponsor The Silver Tour
Robert asking you to become a member of The Silver Tour. Each membership helps purchase television air time. There are gifts for your membership starting at the $50 level and for $1,000 you get an autographed Irv Rosenfeld Federal medical marijuana tin!
If you don’t want to join online, you can send a check or money order to:
The Silver Tour
254 Lake Constance Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Full transcript from Should Grandma Smoke Pot?
- Robert Platshorn (aka. Black Tuna) introduction [0:47 mark]
- Civil Rights Attorney Michael C. Minardi on the privatization of prisons and marijuana arrests [1:37 mark]
- Robert reflects on his 64 year sentence for marijuana trafficking [2:10 mark]
- Reflection on 1977 and Jimmy Carter’s stance on marijuana “Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.” [2:33 mark]
- President Jimmy Carter, Message to Congress 8/2/77: “Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana.” [2:43 mark]
- United States House of Representatives hearing on marijuana consequences (1977) [2:46 mark]
- What is the Silver Tour? “It’s a show” [3:32 mark]
- Irv Rosenfeld on stage [4:00 mark]
- Harry Anslinger, Head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics: “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men” [4:50 mark]
- Marijuana is the oldest medicine known to man [5:47 mark]
- Until the Anslinger onslaught that outlawed hemp in 1937, American farmers grew and paid tax on [hemp]. For American doctors [cannabis] was the first choice to treat over 100 ailments, [cannabis has] been a medicine a whole lot longer than it hasn’t been. [6:36 mark]
- Hemp for Victory [7:00 mark]
- Nixon declares the War on Drugs [7:32 mark]
- 1978 Gallup survey showing that more than half favor removing criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana [8:02 mark]
- In the United States it’s illegal for a person to use it… why aren’t doctors allowed to study it? [8:19 mark]
- Please sponsor The Silver Tour, Robert asks for your membership. $1,000 level gets you one of Irv Rosenfeld’s Federal marijuana delivery tins. [10:45 mark]
For membership go to
or send a check or money order to:
The Silver Tour
254 Lake Constance Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
- Tobacco versus Cannabis [12:39 mark]
- Irv Rosenfeld tells his story about his bone tumors, diagnosed at age 10 and told he may not live through his teenage years [13:01 mark]
- Jason David @ Harborside Health Center: A Father’s Plea, his son, extreme epilepsy (Dravet Syndrome) and cannabis. “When I look in his eyes and tell him to give me a kiss, he can give me a kiss now, can you imagine your kid not giving you a kiss?” [14:12 mark]
- Margo’s story: Margo has M.S. [14:57 mark]
- Joey Perez: Autism [15:45 mark]
- Together we can change the law: Visit TheSilverTour.og to get the name, address, phone and email for your State and United States Representatives. [18:10 mark]
- “This is a plant… we are locking up people for growing a plant” – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN (co-founder Patients Out of Time) [21:53 mark]
- The United States is the primary market for most industrial hemp, yet it is illegal to grow here. It is legal to grow industrial hemp in: Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine [22:02 mark]
- “We have chose a policy of prohibition rather than a policy of regulation and control.” – Kyle Vogt, LEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition [22:37 mark]
- Pot prisoners cost Americans $1 Billion a year [22:51 mark]
- Cannabis research in Isreal [23:09 mark]
- “If Americans ate more hemp it would help correct the imbalance of essential fatty acids in their diet, I think we would would see a reduction in inflamitory diseases, I think this would benefit lowering heart attack risk, cancer risk, I think it can also do a lot for mental and emotional health, omega-3s are really necessary for proper brain function” – Dr. Andrew Weil [23:55 mark]
- “My grandmother lived to be 110, she used marijuana in her tea, in her food…” [24:22 mark]
- “People should always have herbal marijuana available to them” – Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Associate Professor Emetrius of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School [24:50 mark]
- “Alcohol and cigarettes, are the bigest gateway drugs we have” – Dr. Robert Ben Mitchell [25:50 mark]
- “I would take out half of the drugs in my prescription book if I could write for medical marijuana” – Dr. Robert Ben Mitchell [26:20 mark]
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