The Romney campaign has finally stooped low enough to try to trick the medical marijuana community into voting Romney into office.
In an article titled “Dear Marijuana Reformers: Mitt Romney Thinks You’re Stupid, Obama Thinks You’re Easy“, Mike Riggs recounts an email he had just received:
The first line of text in the body of the email was “‘Dude, Obama stole my weed?’ Colorado edition”; the rest of the email was a copied-and-pasted story from The Daily Caller about the Justice Department’s war on Colorado’s medical marijuana dispensaries, and how it might affect Obama’s returns in Colorado.
I get emails like this pretty regularly, but this is the first one I’ve received from an address ending in “” Yes, that’s right: a Romney campaign flack sent out a mass email yesterday attacking Obama’s record on medical marijuana.
As Riggs then points out, since Mitt Romney would fight all marijuana (including medical marijuana) “tooth and nail”, it makes no sense to attack the President on this issue. It could be said that Mitt Romney thinks that everyone that enjoys marijuana is some brain-dead loser that will read an email about Obama taking people’s pot, but not notice that the message was sent by a campaign that is undeniably less tolerant of pot than the current administration. Personally, I think he believes that everyone is brain-dead, which is why he just lies repeatedly.
Say what you will about Obama, he’s been more supportive of marijuana than any other President. I know many in the cannabis community are exceptionally angry with him over the current crackdown on medical marijuana, which he promised not to authorize.
I certainly can’t defend the President’s lack of action, but I don’t believe he’s personally targeting us. Hopefully he will change his tune by election time, or he just may lose enough votes (to Gary Johnson, I doubt any marijuana consumer would actually vote for Romney) to cost him the election.
What do you think about all this? Do you think Romney thinks we’re all morons? Do you think Obama is actively fighting against medical marijuana? Whether you agree with my views or not, I’d love to hear yours. Try to keep it clean, we can all benefit more from calm discussion than we can from screaming at each other and we’re united in cannabis reform.