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Puffit Portable Vaporizer Review - Weedist

Puffit Vaporizer Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=756&bih=1004&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=9YVK11AQcyGdYM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vape-nation.com/&imgurl=http://www.vape-nation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/puffit-portable-vaporizer.png&w=300&h=300&ei=QSxIUPaFJ6jtiQK8mIC4Bg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=297&sig=106820017776153515264&page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=131&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:105&tx=79&ty=101Price: $139 ($100 at Hempfest)
Supplier: GotVape
Includes: Vaporizer, black mouth cover, clear mouth cap with replacements (3), metal top cap, rubber top cap cover, top cap poker attachment, hand poker, USB charger, temperature gauge, carrying case, replacement screens (4).


I bought the Puffit Vaporizer when I was at Seattle Hempfest a couple weeks ago. The reduced price at Hempfest was $100, although regularly these vaporizers sell for $150. They’re currently listed at GotVape for $139.

This device really appealed to me when I first saw it. If you want to smoke in public without creating clouds of smoke or a potent cannabis smell there are few things better than a portable vaporizer. What makes the Puffit Vaporizer so special is that it’s disguised to look like an inhaler so it doesn’t look like anything out of the ordinary. This vaporizer could be used virtually anywhere in public and no one would know what you’re doing.

The vaporizer has a couple cool features I want to highlight. My favorite thing about it is that it’s charged by a USB cable. Everything seems to be charging via USB at this point so having  something I know I can easily pop into a laptop or phone charger or something else and charge the vaporizer was a huge selling point for me.

Another great feature on the Puffit Vape is the temperature gauge. The gauge is by the bottom of the vaporizer so it can be covered by the clear plastic mouth cover. This is great because you can’t accidentally change the temperature during use if you have the plastic cap on. The gauge goes from 1-8, and I’d suggest playing around with the temp until you find the consistency of the vapor you want. So far I’ve been using mine on 7 or 8 and it works well.

The vaporizer comes with two pokers to help handle your cannabis; one that you work with your hand, and another that attaches underneath the lid of the metal cap that goes on top of the vaporizer. This is a genius idea as the attachment is supposed to make it so you can spin the cap around to mix your cannabis and get the most out of it without having to take the cap off and do it by hand. But I noticed that when I did this that I couldn’t press the top cap down to activate the heating cycle, so it really became useless. The hand poker is outstanding though and works perfectly.

Other than the poker, the major problem I have with this item is the carrying case. The case itself is excellent. It’s made of neoprene and it’s very small and compact, but easily able to carry everything that comes with the vape. My problem is that the case actually says “discreet vape” right on the front. That isn’t discreet at all, and I wonder why GotVape didn’t just make it a plain carrying case.

Puffit Vaporizer Outer CasePuffit Vaporizer Inner Case











Overall my experience with this vaporizer in the past few weeks has been great. It has allowed me to discreetly consume cannabis in public, which is the whole reason I bought it in the first place.

A few things you should know before using the Puffit Portable Vaporizer:

First, make sure the first thing you do is charge the device for at least two hours before you use it. I’ve never had a portable vaporizer, so when I bought it I was really excited and tried to use it right away. That messed it up, and I couldn’t get it to work properly until I charged it for 8 straight hours after the fact. Save yourself the six hours. Additionally, when fully charged the Puffit Vape has a battery life that lasts an estimated 30-40 heating cycles, which isn’t very much, so charge it on a regular basis. I’ve had times where I was in the middle of a session and the vaporizer turned off and wouldn’t heat anymore. Don’t get caught with your vape down.

Second, make sure not to suck in too hard when you’re hitting the vape. This goes for most vapes to an extent, but this small vaporizer is overpowered when you really suck in the vapor. If you can hear yourself sucking in air, you’re hitting it too hard. The easier the hit, the better.

Third, make sure you grind your weed. Vaporizers are optimized when there is a large surface area of cannabis covered, so grinding your weed can really make a difference.

How To Use the Puffit Portable Vaporizer

1. Take off the top metal cap revealing the chamber for cannabis. Load the cannabis in the top chamber and place the metal cap back on. Place the rubber cap on as well because the metal cap can get very hot.

Puffit Vaporizer Red LightPuffit Vaporizer Green Light









2. Press the cap down like a button and hold it for 2-3 seconds. A red light should start flashing which indicates the vaporizer is heating up to the desired temperature. When the light turns green it is ready for use.

3. Take the hit and enjoy. After your hit the green light will turn orange for a few seconds, and then go back to the standard red light, indicating it is ready for use again.

4. Before taking another hit, stir your weed with the poker. This will give you a much better hit.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you’re no longer getting good vapor, then empty the cannabis from the cap. This will keep the screens in good shape much longer.

6. When you want to turn the Puffit Vape off simply put the black cap back over the mouth piece and it will turn off automatically. There is also a 3 minute auto shutoff built into the vape, so leaving it without the cap won’t result in all your cannabis getting torched.