Amanda Bynes marijuana post on TMZ
Did you catch the Amanda Bynes marijuana post on TMZ? Apparently Amanda Bynes, another child “celebrity” who you may know if you are into Nickelodeon television shows, was caught on camera driving around LA with a suspended license, and smoking something that looked very much like she was smoking weed out of a glass chillum. Shame on her for driving around while smoking weed, especially in paparazzi-rich Los Angeles. Amanda, here’s a thought for your nice BMW 5 series car…get the windows tinted!
H/T to JellyTip for making me belly-laugh today, with the witty Reddit burn:
I Don’t Think that TMZ Knows What A Nug Is?

TMZ photo of Amanda Bynes car interior
The Weedist Idea of “Some Nugs”
The quote from TMZ was: “In one shot, you see what appears to be remnants of marijuana in a cup holder. Some of the nugs appears to be burnt — as if they had already been smoked.”
When I here someone say “some nugs” this is more what I have in mind, and probably more in line with what JellyTip was thinking!