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College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling 'Bullshit'? - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

college campus marijuana flyer, Source: http://imgur.com/j4nYK

A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone. The relevant point is:

How does any institution expect young adults to take their flyer and message seriously when it claims 67 percent of all college students have never tried marijuana even once?

Another Reddit user has already done the legwork of investigating this claim:

  • Here’s the link to the actual study (page 6) sourced by the flyer. The number quoted is accurate, however, I think it’s important to note that the individual colleges get to determine how and when the students get the survey.
  • The survey itself promises anonymity, but it’s possible that a large number of students are still worried about being tracked.
  • Possible proof can be seen in the huge difference between self-reported use and perceived use.
    • 67% say they’ve never used personally, yet believe only 9.8% of other college students have never tried marijuana!
    • In other words, ‘Do you smoke dope?’ 67% say ‘Hell no officer! Never!’
    • Do people you know smoke dope? 90.2% say “Hell yes! All the time!’
H/T bigman2591 (marijuana flyer)
H/T fudbar (study source and research)