Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and lung cancer on the Internet. What follows is the items listed under ‘Lung Cancer’ in Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference List (January 2012). The author, Granny Storm Crow, has spent the better part of a lifetime collecting and sharing objective cannabis research and information. In her own words:
“It is time for us to demand a change in the laws on cannabis! We must keep telling the truth, keep presenting the facts to our friends and our families. The facts are there in PubMed- cannabis IS medicine! Our government lies to us about cannabis! And folks-
If the truth won’t do, then something is wrong!” – Granny Storm Crow
Cannabis and Lung Cancer Links from Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference List, January 2012
Cannabis and Lung Cancer Articles
- A pilot study of orally administered Δ1-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol in the management of patients undergoing radiotherapy for carcinoma of the bronchus (full – 1974)
- Anticancer activity of cannabinoids (full – 1975)
- Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids (full – 1975)
- Anti-emetic efficacy and toxicity of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, in lung cancer chemotherapy. (full – 1983)
- Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic. (full – 2005)
- Marijuana Use and the Risk of Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancers: Results of a Population-Based Case-Control Study (full – 2006)
- Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 (full – 2008)
- Effects of smoking cannabis on lung function (full – 2011)
- Cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, as novel targets for inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer growth and metastasis (full – 2011)
Cannabis and Lung Cancer Abstracts
- In vivo effects of cannabinoids on macromolecular biosynthesis in Lewis lung carcinomas. (abst – 1977)
- No increase in carcinogen-DNA adducts in the lungs of monkeys exposed chronically to marijuana smoke. (abst – 1992)
- Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study (abst – 2006)
- {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer (abst – 2007)
- Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo. (abst – 2008)
- Decrease of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 may contribute to the anti-invasive action of cannabidiol on human lung cancer cells. (abst – 2010)
- Cannabidiol inhibits cancer cell invasion via upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1. (abst – 2010)
- Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1. (abst – 2011)
Cannabis and Lung Cancer News and Media
- Marijuana Less Harmful to Lungs than Cigarettes (news – 1994)
- So, you thought it was the tar that caused cancer… (news – 1999)
- Marijuana Unlikely to Cause Head, Neck, or Lung Cancer (news – 2000)
- Anti-Tumor Effects (news – 2001)
- Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer of Lung or Upper Airways (news – 2005)
- Cannabis Smoke Is Less Likely To Cause Cancer Than Tobacco Smoke (news – 2005)
- Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Use And Lung Cancer (news – 2006)
- Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection (news – 2006)
- No association between lung cancer and cannabis smoking in large study (news – 2006)
- Marijuana Smoking Found Non-Carcinogenic (news – 2006)
- Pot Smoking Not Linked to Lung Cancer (news – 2006)
- Large Study Finds No Link between Marijuana and Lung Cancer (news – 2006)
- There Seems to Be No Link between Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer (news – 2006)
- Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007)
- Pot’s Active Ingredient Halts Lung Cancer Growth, Study Says (news – 2007)
- Marijuana Ingredients Slow Invasion by Cervical and Lung Cancer Cells (news – 2007)
- Marijuana Helps to Combat Lung Cancer (news – 2007)
- Marijuana May Fight Lung Tumors (news – 2007)
- Cannabis as a possible treatment for lung cancer (news – 2007)
- Marijuana Beneficial in Fighting Lung Tumors, Study (news – 2007)
- Doubts about the role of cannabis in causing lung cancer. (letter – 2008)
- Medical Marijuana; The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University. (news – 2010)
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