Here’s a great infographic from RehabToday, commenting on the Schedule I marijuana by going straight to the Schedule I definition and then demonstrates how cannabis does not fit. This is the Infographic you hand to people that argue about marijuana being dangerous and that our government is correct in their war on cannabis. The war on cannabis only supports our private prison system overlords with new inmates by the millions. Please share this Infographic far and wide!
Some highlights from: The Scheduling of Marijuana Infographic
Bunched together with the likes of heroin and MDMA, marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance in the United States. But as the research supporting the benefits and safety of marijuana continues to amass – and public opinion mounts for decriminalization – the pressure on the federal government to reclassify marijuana grows. Take a look at marijuana’s current classification, the evidence supporting both its medical benefits and safety, and what states have already implemented a medical marijuana program.
What are the criteria for having a drug on the Schedule I Controlled Substance list?
- High potential for abuse
- No accepted medical use
- Lack of acceptable safety for recreational use
Does marijuana meet the qualifications of a Schedule I Controlled Substance?
1) High potential for abuse
How addictive is marijuana? Marijuana dependency rates are about the same as caffeine (9%). This ranks far below tobacco (32%), heroin(23%), cocaine (17%) and alcohol (15%).
2) No accepted medical use
Diseases and conditions that can benefit from medical marijuana:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Chronic pain
- Cancer
- Depression
- Dystonia
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Incontinence
- Multiple sclerosis
- Osteoporosis
- Sleep apnea
- Tourettes syndrome
3) Lack of acceptable safety for recreational use
Ratio of recreational dose to fatal dose:
- Heroin: 5 times
- Codeine, MDMA, Cocaine, Alcohol, Nutmeg: 5-24 times
- Mescaline: 24 times
- Marijuana: greater than 1000 times
You would have to consume 1,500 pounds of cannabis in 15 minutes to reach fatal levels!
Bonus: Is marijuana really a gateway drug?
- Only 1 out of every 104 Americans who have tried marijuana will become a cocaine user.
- Less than 1 out of every 104 Americans who have tried marijuana will become a heroin user.