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Drug Court for Marijuana: Good Or Bad Idea? - Weedist
Law & Politics

Drug Court, Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/floridamemory/6880578972/Reason’s Mike Riggs has a well written and must read article about the pitfalls of choosing Drug Court Marijuana. I have taken issue with Riggs’ work before but his in-depth and accessible article about the perils of choosing a secondary Court System for dealing with your arrest, prosecution and eventual sentencing alerted me to a subject I had been unaware of before.

There are other areas of Law that have their own Court systems such as Tax, Family, Small Claims, Landlord/Tenant, etc. But to me, this one seems different in that those other Court systems are set up to regulate areas of our lives that government approves of whereas Drugs are an area they do not approve.

Am I right thinking that distinction matters?

As to my own question, should you go to Drug Court Marijuana? I agree with Riggs that I’d lose my rights and, since I refuse to give them up, I would choose regular Court.