Its a good thing no one in the media is asking anyone at the RNC Convention any questions about Marijuana Prohibition, this way they don’t have to say: “What’s Prohibition?”
Governor Chris Christie (R, New Jersey) said the Republican Party wanted to be the adults in the room and talk about the hard truths. Ok, so, how come no one is talking about Prohibition since “the war on drugs, while well intentioned, has been a failure…”?
This is a winner for Republicans because it allows them to showcase a difference in Legal Opinion. But, alas, they still don’t quite have the balls to discuss the issue.
They aren’t even talking about Legal Theory at all so what are the chances they will bring up Prohibition? Slim to fucking none.
This has never made sense to me, that this conversation is something the Conservative wing doesn’t want to push shows a lack of understanding that makes it hard to be a Republican.
Here’s a breakdown by demographics on who supports legalization from Gallup. A record number of people say they are independents and 74% of Americans want the POTUS to respect states’ rights on medical marijuana.
This election will come down to the “undecideds”. Why aren’t Conservatives championing this cause (as they should) for individual liberties and states’ rights, and remove wasted spending on a failed and unconstitutional war on drugs, and win the election? Why doesn’t Romney own this and win the election?