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Homemade Gravity Bong | Summer Project - Weedist

Source: http://thimblenest.blogspot.com/2011_03_01_archive.htmlHere’s a fun summer marijuana project, a homemade gravity bong.

What is a gravity bong? A gravity bong is a simple tool that sucks smoke into it a chamber using water pressure. After you fill your chamber, you push that marijuana smoke into your lungs. It’s kind of works like a bellows. Unlike a traditional bong, there is no water filtration with a gravity bong.

How does a gravity bong work? Have you ever pulled an upside-down glass out of a bowl of water and watched the water stay inside? That’s a physical example of the water pressure that assists in this simple smoking tool. Imagine if there was a hole at the top of that glass where air would stream in as you pull the glass out of the water. Take the next step and put some burning bud over that hole and shazam, you’ve got a gravity bong filling with a steady stream sweet cannabis smoke, no lungs required. While this is fun, be careful not to pull your chamber fully out of the water or you will lose your smoke. When you’ve filled your chamber with marijuana smoke, hold it steady while you removing your bud holder. Next put your lips up to the bottle top and slowly push your chamber back down into the water keeping your lips tight on the bottle as it sinks into the  water. The water pressure now forces the marijuana smoke into your lungs. The faster you go, the harder the hit of your gravity bong.

You can make your own gravity bong out of just about any bottle or funnel, a 2 liter soda bottle makes a

perfectSource: http://www.everypipe.com/blog/how-to-make-a-gravity-bongSource: http://420deku.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-make-gravity-bong.html starting point. Cut the bottom off of the 2 liter bottle, grab some foil and and then find a pool of water slightly wider and deeper than your bottle. As long as you can just-about fully submerge the bottle, you’ll be in good shape. I like 2 liters bottles because you can find them anywhere, and it’s a nicely sized hit. I’ve used a 2 liter setup with a 5 gallon bucket, a 5,000 gallon swimming pool, and everything in between. One buddy always had a 2 liter bottle rig and an empty Utz Pretzel barrel cut in half ready for the beach. A simple and a fun way to get the job done in the sun.

For holding your bud, take a piece of aluminum foil, make a small indentation and place it above the open bottle mouth. Bonus points for making a more permanent bowl by creating a hole in your bottle cap, you can even take that one step further if you’ve to a metal bong bowl hanging around. Just push that through your bottle cap and you’re rig will be redneck-sophisticated. Honestly though, that’s just a little too much work for me. I just stick with foil wrapped around the bottle top.  Just poke a couple of small holes in the foil and viola, you’ve hand built a gravity bong (just make sure your foil is pretty tight so the air only pulls through your bud). Also, be very careful not to accidentally push your bottle down into the water with burning bud on it, if you do, the puff of air out of the  bottle with toss your weed into the water…such a tragic waste.

It’s that simple, try your own gravity bong this weekend with your friends.

The Spliff-note instructions for making a homemade gravity bong:

  • Basic materials
  • Process
    • Fill 5 gallon bucket 3/4 full with water.
    • Place aluminum foil over the bottle top, use your finger to tap out a small bowl for your bud in the bottle’s mouth. Wrap the edges of aluminum tightly into the grooves of the bottle mouth.
    • Poke a few small holes in your aluminum foil bowl (toothpick size).
    • Submerge the 2 liter bottle in the 5 gallon bucket of water, until it is about 2″ from being totally submerged.
    • Holding very steady, place your cannabis in the aluminum foil bowl, light and slowly raise the bottle to pull the flame into your bud and smoke into your bottle (IMPORTANT: Do not push the bottle toward the water EVER while good weed is in your bowl, if you do, it will fly off into the water, shame on you.) Stop when about 1/2 inch of bottle remains underwater.
    • Remove the aluminum foil and spent weed. Place your mouth on the bottle top, suck in and slowly let gravity pull the bottle back into the water.
    • Enjoy.

How would you upgrade this basic kit?