You probably notice a recurring Gary Johnson theme at Weedist… We strongly support candidates who will end the war on marijuana. Personally I like the vast majority of Gary Johnson’s platform, but he has my hands down support because he is the only POTUS candidate that would end the war on drugs.
Even if you ultimately are going to vote for Obama or Romney, it is in every weedist’s interest to help Gary Johnson poll at 15%. Johnson must poll at this level in order to enter the national POTUS debates. Without Johnson on the stage there is nothing on the war on drugs for Obama and Romney to debate as they both support the same failed status quo.
If you are passionate about cannabis reform, please consider joining Gary Johnson’s money bomb. At the very least, I urge you to support him in polls regardless of how you vote come November. I for one will not be fooled again by any more marijuana promises from Obama, I must see change before the election for him to secure my vote.