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Bong Water Temperature - Does It Matter? - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Start a thread on bong water temperature on any major cannabis forum and you’re likely to flare up a bong war. I’ve personally experimented with different water temperatures and read many pages of others’ opinions and claims.

Lets dive right in by listing three generic temperature levels and the usual schools of thought for each (for the sake of simplicity I assume all bongs are single water chamber so we only have to pick one water temperature).

Bong Water Temperature Level – Theories / Schools of Thought:


  • Cold water (and a little ice) condenses the smoke better which allows more to get into one’s lungs and thus gets you more high.
  • Cold water creates thicker plumes though some say it also makes it a little harsher on the throat.
  • Cold water tastes fresher longer.

Room Temperature: 

  • Room temperature water requires least preparation, no need for chilled or warm water.
  • With no conclusive evidence on bong water temperature impacting one’s high, experience or health there is no need over think it or do more work.


  • Warm water filters carcinogens better.
  • Warm water filters more THC, but only a negligible amount since THC is more hydrophobic (literally meaning “water-fearing,” describes the segregation and apparent repulsion between water and nonpolar substances) than hydrophilic (water soluble).  THC will form insoluble particles floating in the water.
  • Warm water creates less thick plumes of smokes making it smoother and easier on the lungs.
  • Warm water results in more water vapor which is smoother and easier on throat.

Moirai’s Conclusions and Takeaways:

  • In the absence of any proof that bong water temperature impacts a person’s high or health it comes down to personal preference. My personal preference is cold to room temperature water.
  • Studies have shown that roughly 95% of the THC is absorbed within the first five seconds, so holding in smoke any longer all you’re doing is irritating your lungs.
  • Bongs hits also benefit from grinding up your cannabis.
  • Keep your bong clean. Avoid that nasty residue buildup. It’s always a good idea to purchase a bong that is easy to clean.
  • Use filtered or clean water that isn’t full of minerals and chemicals. Change your bong water regularly.

If you have any studies which show a measurable impact please do share them for the benefit of weedists everywhere. Vote on your personal preference on bong water temperature and help see where weedists in general stand on the topic!

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