Cannabis deserves to be enjoyed in a fresh, clean glass bong. A resin-free piece with cool, clean water will surely result in the best taste of your pot and all-around high.
But which is best for bong cleaning: a cleaner such as Formula 420 that is specifically made for bongs, bowls and other glassware; or plain ‘ol salt and rubbing alcohol?
High Times recommends Formula 420 as their go-to bong cleaning product. Formula 420 is supposedly non-toxic and made with all-natural ingredients, but the company does not disclose the ingredients of this product. Though it is not extremely expensive, there is speculation that the main ingredient is simply rubbing alcohol.
The Weed Street Journal recommends a much more inexpensive product to effectively clean your bong: a mix of salt and rubbing alcohol. The abrasive qualities of the salt combined with isopropyl alcohol creates the perfect concoction for getting your piece sparking clean at a minimal cost.
I have used salt and alcohol for many years to clean my glass bong and pipes, even after trying the infamous Formula 420. Nothing beats the cheaper alternative. So gather your Ziploc bags, salt, alcohol, and Q-tips, and get cleaning. And be sure to toke up right afterwards in your sparkling bong!
Here’s a good video that shows an easy and effective cleaning process: