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Ramarley Graham | Age 18 | New York City , NY | February 2012 -Weedist
Needless Victims

On February 2, 2012 18 year old Ramarley Graham was killed by the NYPD in his own apartment with his grandmother and 6-year-old brother present. NYPD chased the teenager over a small bag of marijuana and busted into his house without a warrant.

Surveillance footage from the NYPD’s chase showed Ramarley walking into the building, then cops running up to the door and trying to kick it down. Eventually, they entered the apartment, ran upstairs and found Graham. One of them fatally shot him once in the chest.  Richard Haste is the alleged police shooter.

Richard Haste is expected to turn himself in on Wednesday, June 13th to face charges. He faces 1st and 2nd degree manslaughter charges after a grand jury indicted him and he could receive up to 25 years in prison. He’s been on desk duty since the shooting in Februrary. How nice that he’s still collecting a paycheck.

The NYPD’s great defense? That Haste’s unit didn’t receive proper training. Haste has been with the NYPD for 4 years, so please spare us this weak defense. He acted precisely with the ‘training’ all too many NYPD display toward their city’s minorities.

NYC, the marijuana arrest capital of the US, again sees its NYPD defy orders to curtail these arrests, which are decriminalized under NY State law. Even though whites use marijuana more than minorities, 85% of NYPD marijuana arrests target minorities. Lets sincerely hope Cuomo, Bloomberg, and Kelly are serious about using marijuana for stop and frisks, aka racial profiling.  People need to see the pictures of the lives being destroyed daily by insane government policies!

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