Even if racial profiling, pharma loving, reefer madness politicians want to ignore the countless scientific studies rolling out debunking the marijuana gateway theory, we can all perform a basic sniff test without having a PhD. Can we all agree to applying some basic math and common sense looking at the United States population?
Numerator: 2.4M Americans addicted to heroin or cocaine (aka ‘hard drugs’)
- Heroin addicts: 0.9M
- Cocaine regular users: 1.5M
- Lets be generous and assume a person can only be addicted to one of the two drugs, 2.4M
Denominator: 104M Americans have tried marijuana
Answer: 2.3% (2.4 / 104) If every single hard drug addict smoked marijuana before trying a hard drug, it would still only be 2.3% of the marijuana population in the US. The ‘gateway effect’ of marijuana is unimpressive at best.
Class Dismissed?