Ronald Poppo & face-eating zombie Rudy Eugene
How many people are going to draw the wrong conclusion from the sensational title of this article?
It gives me chills to think about a non-pot smokers saying: “Ah ha, see I told you marijuana is a dangerous drug”. Poor choice of title for our cause from the Huff Post, but it sure will get people’s attention.
The reality is that the zombie guy (Rudy Eugene) is sick. The other thing is that the actual chemical compounds in Bath Salts change very quickly, so we don’t know what to test for. Why would the chemicals in Bath Salts change so often? Because every time the government makes one of the chemical components illegal, the chemists change their compounds a little bit and get their junk back out on the street… legally. Let’s just legalize weed already so that there is no market for crap like Bath Salts.