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Gary Burton | Age 69 | Chippewa Lake, OH | May 2011 - Weedist
Needless Victims

Gary Burton

Gary Sherri BurtonIn January 2011, 69 year old Gary Burton of Chippewa Lake, OH was arrested for growing two marijuana plants for his wife of 44 years, Sherri Burton. Sherri was suffering from breast cancer that spread to her lymph nodes and unsurprisingly, from anxiety and depression.

The couple cultivated two marijuana plants in a secluded spot in their own Chippewa Lake back yard. Sherri says they chose to grow their own because they wanted it to be pure and free of chemicals.

In May 2011, Gary Burton was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 30 days house arrest and two years probation. Sherri wants to public to understand one thing. “Marijuana is not as evil or bad as they think it is,” she says. “They need to keep an open mind, and someday, they may need it themselves.” The couple hasn’t had health insurance since Gary retired several years ago. It’s possible they may also lose their social security benefits while Gary is behind bars.

So lets make a woman suffer through 2 months of cancer hell alone without her spouse of 44 years, potentially strip them of Social Security benefits when they already have no healthcare, deprive her of medicine that can help and she can afford. All this for discretely growing medicine she desperately needed.

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By: Alexander Martin. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/xTjzJ