Congratulations to Tom Ammiano (D-SF), on crossing a major hurdle with AB 2312! AB 2312 would allow “collectives, cooperatives, and other business entities to cultivate, acquire, process, possess, transport, test, sell, and distribute marijuana for medical purposes.” AB 2312 has some big name supporters, including the influential United Food and Commercial Workers Union, and the largest medical cannabis citizen lobby in state history.
A poll conducted by EMC research shows that 77% of Californians support the regulation, control, and taxation of cannabis. The nine-member appointed board created by the bill will be charged with developing, implementing, and enforcing statewide regulations – something that is already underway in other states where medical cannabis is legal. The Author and advocates anticipate that greater consistency will help to address ambivalence about the state’s medical cannabis program and prevent local officials from blocking implementation or calling for federal intervention.
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