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Here's the Number of Cannabis Psychosis Cases in the UK
Law & Politics

Here's the Number of Cannabis Psychosis Cases in the UK, Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f2/2e/86/f22e8605a1d825233b9321dfe8fd1ab3.jpgMore troubling news for the anti-cannabis groupies comes out of an analysis in response to a question placed before parliament by Charles Walker, the so-called “skunk scaremonger” of parliament.

The question Walker posited was, “How many young people under 18 years of age have been treated in NHS-funded mental health units for cannabis-induced psychosis in each of the last 5 years?” I can only assume Walker meant this as a more or less rhetorical statement, rather than a question. It’s one of those things politicians say to start conversations and generate moments worthy of YouTube or retweets in their never ending quest for relevance.

Fellow parliamentarian, Jane Ellison, who serves as the minister of state in the Department of Health did little to fan Walker’s flames, unless it was a funeral pyre for his failing cannabis propaganda. The answer to Walker’s question is 28 cases per year, in all of the UK. Some quick math: Population of the United Kingdom: 64.1 million; 28 x 5 = 140 (total cases of ‘cannabis psychosis’) in 5 years. That puts the percentage of UK population treated for this scary condition in the last half-decade at 0.000002%. Clearly, an epidemic. In fact, many psychologists do not even think cannabis psychosis is even a real thing.

These numbers further support the rational claim that cannabis is extremely safe and effective and that the real reason prohibition remains intact in such an age of advanced civilization is greed. Prohibition profiteers rely on fear, ignorance, and misguided laws to keep the funnel of ‘addicts’ feeding into their law enforcement and rehab facilities so they can milk them for the money and tax incentives and seize their assets on bullshit grounds.

Whatcha got next for us, naysayers? Does cannabis make you grow teeth on your kneecaps? Does it make you more prone to getting a splinter? Perhaps it makes your armpits sing showtunes?